How To Win Flash Sale on TEMU in 2024

The flash sales allow users to buy high quality products at significantly lower prices. To win these sales on Temu you can sign up for the newsletter, wait for the events, and set notifications for the updates.

how to win the flash sale on temu 2024

The app will inform you about all the exclusive items that you desire to purchase at a discount price. The flash sales are actually limited time offers thus time is a key factor to consider. The stock can get sold out so prepare yourself in advance.

Add the items to the wish list and read the product description for the maximum benefits. You can use multiple devices if you want to order number of products at the same time. Some of the other reliable strategies are discussed in this blog for savvy shoppers.

How Does Temu Flash Sales Work?

The flash sales on Temu are just like hunting for treasure and finding the best deals. If you open the app then the flash sales option is displayed on the main page. It is for a limited time and the clock is ticking behind.

The users can get a free gift or a low-price item in this deal. For instance, the Nintendo Switch for just $7 is on sale during the summer. The time duration is limited and you have to make it fast to catch the deal.

How Does Temu Flash Sales Work?

These deals usually occur in between 6 to 8 hours. Some other specific products during the sales can include a sweater pant set or a smart waterproof silicone watch. It is worth finding out the best promotional offers at a discount price on this app.

How To Get Advantage And Win Flash Sale On Temu?

You need to prepare yourself before winning the flash sales in Temu. There is a combination of strategies and speed that is required. So follow these to get low-price items. 

Preparation and Research

The flash sales items are announced for a limited time period. You can put them on the wishlist list for quick success. Go to the notification settings and get the alerts about upcoming deals. Moreover, follow the social media pages for updates as well. 

Preparation and Research

Strategic Timing

The sale timing for these items is between 12 PM and 2 PM and from 7 PM to 9 PM. You can check the Temu at this time and save the login details before getting started. The initial minutes of the flash sales are crucial because the items can be sold quickly.

Strategic Timing

Payment Readiness

You should have a stable internet connection with a faster speed. The payment process should be automatic and you can select PayPal or a bank card for quick transactions. It is better to consider a laptop or PC for this process.

Payment Readiness

Utilizing Multiple Devices

By utilizing multiple devices the users can manage different accounts. This will increase the chance of winning the deals and ordering multiple items.

Utilizing Multiple Devices

Coupon and Discount

The promo and discount codes are available on the different social media channels. These codes can further reduce the price of flash sales. For instance, users can subscribe to the Temu newsletter and get access to the new discount codes.

Coupon and Discount

Avoiding Pitfalls

It is good to make quick decisions but you must consider the benefits and limitations of the product. You can read the reviews and check the different platforms for the price. It is better to look for the quality rather than just focusing on the low prices. 

Avoiding Pitfalls

Utilize Filters

The individuals can utilize various filters such as style, coloring, and size. This will help you find out what you are exactly looking for. The flash sales come in a list and there are specific items that can be related to different categories.

Utilize Filters

Write Reviews

The users can write reviews on the products and get a chance to unlock new items and sales offers. They can get additional discounts and vouchers that can significantly reduce the price of any product.

Write Reviews

Website and App

You can utilize the Temu app or website at the same time. There are some deals that are only available on the mobile app. At the same time, some special offers may be available on the website. Both of these platforms are free and easy to access.

Website and App

When Does Temu Flash Sales Occur – Getting An Early Access

Timing is the most important key to taking advantage of the flash sales in Temu. There are different occasions and events on which these sales will definitely pop up. To get the maximum savings and the best deals you can check this section.

Holiday Seasons

The holiday seasons include Chinese New Year, Singles Day, and Cyber Monday. All these events come with some special discount offers. Moreover, these holidays are perfect for searching for stuff on the app and getting a chance to win a flash sale.

Holiday Seasons

Monthly Promotions

At the start or end of the month, Temu offers flash sales. The store may try to clear the inventory and offer new products for the early buyers. In all these situations the shoppers can get benefits and multiple discounts on the various items.

Monthly Promotions

Special Events

Some of the other special events include the anniversary sales and partnership launches. During these events, Temu does partnerships with the brands and offers exclusive products. The anniversary sales feature the best deals during the year.

Special Events

Maximize the Benefits of Flash Sales –  Post-Purchase Activities

If you have already purchased a product from the Temu flash sales then there are still chances to get more rewards. When you place the order Temu can offer you several activities.

Maximize the Benefits of Flash Sales -  Post-Purchase Activities

  • Temu will send you an email to write a review about the product. You can add images and write a genuine review. This will give you free credit.
  • There are some coupons and coins that are automatically unlocked after buying a product. You can check them out in the profile section.
  • There are quizzes and surveys to take part and submit to the app to win freebies.
  • If you are able to share the videos and pictures of your purchase then the app will give you rewards.


The flash sales are a common marketing strategy that is offered by the online stores. The users can find some of the listed products and buy them at a low price. If you have discount codes and vouchers then it will reduce the prices even further. The users can wait for the write time such as the seasonal events and holidays to get a chance to win flash sales on Temu. There are a lot of other rewards and post-purchase activities that you can perform. For instance, the users can write a review on a product and get free coins and credit.


A: These sales are mostly available on Cyber Monday, seasonal holidays, and end of the month or year. These sales occur during the peak hours of the day. You can set notifications and alarms to get early access to the flash sales.

A: The discount percentage can be different for a wide range of products. For instance, users can get 90 percent discounts on some of the special promotional offers.

A: The users can instantly add the relevant product to the catalog and then review it. Moreover, you can refresh the mobile app or browser page multiple times during peak hours. 

how to win the flash sale on temu
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how to win the flash sale on temu
The flash sales on Temu are just like hunting for treasure and finding the best deals.
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